

    • ベンシャリフ駐日アルジェリア大使との懇談会
    • Country-study Meeting with H.E. Mohamed El Amine Bencherif,
      Ambassador of the Republic of Algeria to Japan

      The Society held its 8th Country-Study meeting on 26th February at the International House in Tokyo, with the presence of H.E.Mr.Mohamed El Amine Bencherif, Ambassador of the Republic of Algeria to Japan. (Number of attendants; 24 persons.)

      The ambassador made his presentation as follows:
      -Algeria is the largest country in Africa and the Arab world and the 10th in the world.
      -It is located in the center of North Africa, bordered to the north by the Mediterranean Sea, and had deep relations with great civilizations of the area. Algeria also had influenced those civilizations.
      -It has developed having relations with the Mediterranean Sea, the Arab world and the African continent.
      -Algeria has beaches, plains, high agricultural plateaus and the Sahara. It also has many touristic assets.
      -It has rich natural resources such as hydrocarbons (oil reserves and natural gas), deposits of phosphate, Zinc, Gold, Uranium, Tungsten, etc.
      -Its economy ranks the fourth in Africa, and is classified as an upper middle-income country. The government has made efforts to diversify the economy and to develop renewable energy including solar energy.
      -In order to attain economic reform, it is necessary to develop work force in the field of mining and manufacturing industries. Moreover, the priority sectors to be developed are industry, tourism and agriculture including fishery for better food security.

      -Algeria has modern infrastructures such as international airports, trains, highways and so on. Its labor forces, which is 12.32 million (2019), can also be utilized to attract investment from foreign countries. The government is trying to attract investment by the withdrawal of 51/49 rule, governing foreign investment in Algeria and will adopt policies more propitious to investments.

      -On Algeria’s diplomacy, it has played an effective role in the settlement of crisis of the hostages of U. S. citizens in Teheran in 1981, and it played an important role when the peace treaty between Ethiopia and Eritrea was signed in Algiers in 2000. It also has good relationship with the EU.

      With regard to the Sahel region, Algeria reiterates its solidarity with the countries in the region in the fight against terrorism. In Africa, it continues to be active in the African Union. In the field of fight against terrorism, it continues to defeat terrorism with the policy of national reconciliation, by pursuing a comprehensive de-radicalization policy. Algeria has also made efforts for peace among the neighboring countries.

      -On Algeria’s bilateral relationship with Japan, it has a long history. Algeria opened its office in Japan before independence. Japan was one of the first countries to recognize the independence of Algeria on July 4, 1962, a day before the official declaration of independence, on July 5,1962. In addition, in 1964, both Algeria and Japan opened their embassies.
      Since then, both countries have had good relations with each other, and made official visits of political leaders.
      -At economic level, Algeria is the 4th economic partner of Japan in Africa.
      Algerian exports to Japan consist mainly of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and petroleum products. Algerian importations from Japan cover cars, industrial equipment and electronics produces.

      The questions and comments raised by the attendants after the presentation include (1) can there be any way to simplify the procedure to get visas for entry into Algeria ? (2) Tuaregs in your country are famous for the skills to produce beautiful accessories and jewelries for women, which attract Japanese customers. In this regard, we would like to know the possibility to get the help of your embassy in order to make contacts with them, (3) we would like to know more about Algeria’s economic relationship with the neighboring countries, especially with Morocco and Tunisia, (4) would like to know more about the finance of you country, (5) it was explained that a comprehensive “de-radicalization policy” has been taken in its fight against terrorism. We can understand it and there must have been difficulties to put this policy in practice especially in view of the various attitudes of the countries in the region. In this regard I would like to know some more about this policy.






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